In this blog we are going to tell you about The Relationships Between The Sizes Of Different Parts Of A Work Make Up Its, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.
a. mass
b. volume
c. proportions
d. scale
e. character
Answer: (c.) Proportions
About the Question
This question is about the relationship between the sizes of different parts of work. In this answer, we will understand the relationship between the sizes of different parts of work and what it makes so here is the explanation to the question mentioned below.
Answer Explanation:
The answer to the above-mentioned question is that the relationships between the sizes of various parts of a work make up its proportions. The term proportion means comparison between the different sizes of an object or any other thing. For example, the ratio between the different sides of a parallelepiped can be written as a:b:c which implies that a, b, and c are the sizes. In addition to this, the proportion can also be described as how the sizes of different parts of a piece of art or design relate to each other.
In general, proportion means the dimensions of a composition and it is the relationships between height, weight and depth. How proportion is utilized will affect how realistic something appears. It also characterizes how the sizes of various parts of a piece of art or design relate to each other.
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The bottom line
So overall the relationship between the sizes of different parts of a work makes up its proportions. We hope you got the answer to your question and also understood the reason and explanation of this concept.
We Hope this blog is sufficient enough to provide the information about The Relationships Between The Sizes Of Different Parts Of A Work Make Up Its. Thanks for reading this blog.